Imane Djamil (b.1996, in Casablanca, Morocco) is a self-taught Morocco-based visual storyteller working on assignments and long term projects. 

Djamil's work has been exhibited internationally, most notably as part of  Le Maroc Contemporain at Institut du Monde Arabe in Paris, France in 2014, En un instante Marruecos at the Casa Arabe as part of PhotoESPAÑA’s official selection in 2018, the Biennale of Bamako, Mali in 2022 and the Sharjah Biennale, UAE in 2023. 

She has co-founded KOZ collective with photographers M'hammed KilitoYasmine Hatimi and Seif Kousmate in 2020. 



(Upcoming) Paisajes Efimeros del Sol, Casa Arabe, Photo Espana, group show- Madrid, Spain

(Upcoming) Art Explora Festival, group show- Mediterranean tour

Grounded Being, Gulf Photo Plus, group show- Dubai, UAE

MIA photo fair, Ag Galerie Iran, group show- Milan, Italy

Slow Days in the Fortunate Isle, Neue Galerie, solo show- Innsbruck, Austria


A poem in two voices, La Chambre Claire, group show (KOZ & 220 collectives)- Algiers, Algeria

A poem in two voices, L'Assayag, group show (KOZ & 220 collectives)- Casablanca, Morocco

A room of one's own, Neimënster, European Month of Photography, group show- Luxembourg

Thinking Historically in the Present, Sharjah Biennial 15, group show- Sharjah, United Arab Emirates


2022 Maa ka Maaya ka ca a yere kono, Bamako Biennale, group show- Bamako, Mali 

Who is Photography For, Landskrona Foto Festival, group show- Landskrona, Sweden

Nordwärts, La Gacilly-Baden Photo, group show- Baden, Austria

More Than Your Eyes Can See, Middle East Institute, group show- Washington DC, USA

Femmes photographes, Musée National de la Photographie, group show- Rabat, Morocco 

Reflexión, Galeria Cervantès, group show- Tangier


Carte blanche à Safaa Erruas, Fondation CDG, group show- Rabat, Morocco

Regards sur la jeune scène photographique marocaine, Musée National de la Photographie, group show- Rabat, Morocco

Plein Nord, Festival Photo La Gacilly, group show- La Gacilly, France

The Censored Exhibition, Copenhagen Photo Festival, group show- Copenhagen, Denmark

Tempus Fugit, Abderrahman Slaoui Museum, group show- Casablanca, Morocco

80 Miles to Atlantis, CDA Gallery, solo show- Casablanca, Morocco     


Tempus Fugit, Museum of African Contemporary Art Al Maaden (MACAAL), group show- Casablanca, Morocco


En Un Instante Marruecos, Bienal de Fotografia de Cordoba, Casa Arabe, group show- Cordoba, Spain


En Un Instante Marruecos, Fundaciòn Tres Culturas del Mediterràneo, group show- Sevilla, Spain

Le Maroc sur le vif, Musée de Mouassine, group show- Marrakech, Morocco

Escales liées, IgloùPARIS, Villette Makerz- Paris, France 

En Un Instante Marruecos, PHotoESPAÑA, Casa Arabe, group show- Madrid, Spain

Ana Hunna, an initiative promoting women in the economy in Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco, Fabrique culturelle des abattoirs- Casablanca, Morocco

Festival Traits d'Union, Théâtre El Duende, solo show- Ivry-sur-Seine, France


Dasthe gallery, solo show- Casablanca, Morocco

30 under 30 women photographers, The Popping Club, group show- Rome, Italy

L'Uzine, Fondation Touria et Abdelaziz Sekkat, solo show- Casablanca, Morocco


La Selva de l'Art, Festival internacional d'art contemporani, group show- La Selva de Mar, Spain

Todos os géneros preferidos, all gender preferred, Manpower festival, group show- Lisbon, Portugal

Au delà de l'héritage, Paroisse Saint-Pierre de Montmartre, group show- Paris, France 

L'Art Engage, Le 6B, group show- Paris, France 


Où s'harmonisent le pin, la frayeur et moi-même, galerie SometimeStudio, solo show- Paris, France

Passages, parages, visages, paysages. Les nouvelles créations artistiques au Maroc, Musée de Bank Al Maghrib, group show- Rabat 


Le Maroc contemporain, Institut du Monde Arabe, group show - Paris, France

Emerge&See, galerie Yakin&Boaz, group show - Casablanca, Morocco

Emerge&See, Biennale de Marrakech, group show - Marrakech, Morocco


Printemps barbare, Studio IWA, group show - Casablanca, Morocco

Prizes, grants

Arab Documentary Photography Program, Magnum Foundation, AFAC, Prince Claus

Beyond, KOZ/220 collectives, Pro-Helvetia

300 year Anniversary grant,The British Council Morocco

New Narratives in Environmental Photography Prize by Festival Photo La Gacilly & Fisheye Magazine/Gallery

All-Around Culture, L'Art Rue, co-funded by the European Union


Mohammed VI Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art 

Museum of African Contemporary Art Al Maaden (MACAAL)

Private collections

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